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Unique considerations for responding to emergencies involving individuals with special needs
Additional training can help providers who want to do right by patients involved in hospice and end-of-life care
Nine interactive scenarios designed to enhance your understanding of seizures, strokes and common acute patient presentations
FDNY EMS Local 2507 President Oren Barzilay was among the providers who answered the call for medical help
After transporting him home from the hospital, First Response Paramedic Maisie Vance noticed James Koch didn’t have any food or clean clothes
The clinical, cognitive and potential risk considerations in lift-assists, which are more complex than we realize
Polk County public transit officials said paratransit drivers have more frequent exposure to nursing home residents than EMS providers
The mobile vaccination teams will work to vaccinate older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers at about 100 adult family homes in the city
The order permits EMTs and military members with medical training to apply for temporary licenses to assist in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities in the state
Muskegon County’s “Yellow Dot” program will allow first responders to render needed treatment more quickly after a crash or medical emergency
Deliveries of the Pfizer vaccine are scheduled throughout Monday and Tuesday to healthcare facilities and nursing homes across the country
The panel will decide on priority for other first responder groups at future meetings
Forsyth County EMT Steven Plante spread joy to residents and his crew with a piano rendition of “My Heart Will Go On”
How much do you know about patient assessment and treatment after poisoning?
Williamson County community health paramedics will assess infection control and responses in at least 40 nursing homes and assisted living facilities now allowing visitors
New York and Ohio researchers are using dust collected within 72 hours of the collapse of the twin towers in their tests
Police said the ambulance was running and unlocked outside of a nursing home before it was stolen
The patient reportedly spilled out of the stretcher and struck their head while being loaded into an ambulance
One study led by Stony Brook University researchers found that the brain “age” of some World Trade Center responders is 10 years older on average than the general population
At Sun City Center Emergency Squad, where the average age of volunteers is 72, crewmembers take precautions while aiding fellow seniors
Detroit EMS Supervisor Capt. Robert Calandro’s surgery to have the tumor removed was canceled due to the pandemic
EMS providers from Royal Ambulance stepped in to assist after staff members and residents at eight skilled nursing facilities fell ill
The temporary change is expected to help fill staffing shortages at the facilities
The White House issued guidance for the next 15 days to mitigate the spread of COVID-19
Fire officials say the fees would hopefully deter facilities from relying too heavily on emergency services
More than 50 people in a nursing facility in the state have been reported feeling sick and are being tested for the virus
When Harold Storelee, 88, broke his hip while cutting his grass, West Thurston Firefighter-EMTs made sure he both he and his lawn were well taken care of
Officials said about one-fifth of Xenia’s ambulance calls come from senior living facilities, often for non-emergencies
The departments hope to make training on identifying patients with dementia a requirement
The woman’s family says she broke seven bones when EMS personnel allowed a stretcher to tip over
An EMS social worker describes how a new program in Texas is serving patients while decreasing 911 calls
Employees copied residents’ paperwork, gathered medications and got everyone into a common room while dialing 911 to ask for a bus and ambulances
On-scene considerations for EMS assessment for evaluating lift-assistance calls and making transportation decisions for geriatric fall patients