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Now playing on EMS1 – “One for the Road,” featuring Steve Whitehead and sponsored by Hartwell Medical. Whether it’s street-smart tips on what to carry in your cargo pocket, or what to do when you make a mistake in the field, this twice-monthly series is a great way to brush up on the essentials all medics need to know.

Have a question? Ask Steve.

Steve Whitehead reminds you to use your patient’s name to build rapport in this episode of One for the Road
Steve Whitehead asks, does your pulse ox probe fail you, or do you fail it?
Steve Whitehead will tell you why your BVM technique needs to go in this episode
Are you endangering your littlest patients?
Don’t ignore one of the best things we can do for a patient
Steve Whitehead shares some important evaluation signs
Join Steve Whitehead, Hartwell Medical and EMS1 for 26 brand-new episodes, from CPR consciousness, to hands off chest time and sedation controversies
Steve has a couple of important tips for that ST elevated patient
Steve Whitehead provides valuable insights from the most witnessed cardiac arrest in human history
Steve Whitehead shows you how to use the device that simplifies those difficult breaks and dislocations
How to respond to, “I want my mom,” and other patient requests out of our control, with Steve Whitehead
Steve Whitehead shares how to assess that patient with weird, vague complaints
Steve Whitehead shares his thoughts on how to handle family members during a cardiac arrest
Steve Whitehead wants you to consider this one thing before pulling out the plastic tubes
Hear from Steve Whitehead on why it’s time to destigmatize mental health
Steve Whitehead gives you permission to break things in this episode of One for the Road