Recruitment & Retention
The EMS1 recruitment and retention topic includes research into what drives providers from the profession, tips for finding, recruiting, hiring and onboarding EMS personnel, as well as strategies for protecting provider emotional and physical health and increasing job satisfaction for the long haul
From what to include in the welcome packet to how to incorporate resiliency training and family outreach – here’s how to improve your new employee orientation
If you were able to interview former President Trump or Vice President Harris, what questions would you ask?
Becoming a paramedic is the highest level of prehospital care and requires much more advanced training than becoming an EMT
Secretary of Health Dr. Debra Bogen visited members of Meadville Area Ambulance Service to discuss recruitment efforts
An increase in natural disasters has compounded problems for first responders across Texas and other states
The Iowa United First Aid program enlists volunteers who are on standby and equipped with basic first aid gear to help on EMS calls, such as heart attacks and lacerations
The Lebanon Fire District announced changes to single and dual-role staffing as well as reducing non-emergency transports
Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service’s paid EMT-in-Training program removes the fear of having a career change and not being paid
Tri-Township Fire and Rescue’s new recruitment effort focuses on non-firefighter EMS staffing
Nine new EMTs completed a 12-week paid training program launched earlier this year
Underfunding, staffing challenges and rising demands are pushing EMS systems to the brink – learn the critical changes needed for the profession to thrive
Amherst County Fire/EMS sees the most new first responders joining the department at one time
In this episode, our co-hosts discuss EMS1 columnist Todd Bowman’s latest article focused on building confidence in new providers
The Goshen Fire Department is participating in a two-year program for high school students who want to be firefighters and EMTs
Dowload the industry report for insights into EMS staffing and operation trends, and how providers are thinking about career longevity
Multnomah County Board of Commissioners have been heated towards each other over AMR’s staffing plan
The DNC workload underscores the need for 20 more ambulances and additional paramedics to ease the burden on current staff, the union said
“Allowing trained EMTs and paramedics to continue doing their jobs as they proceed through the licensing process is a common-sense policy change that will have a major impact”
The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners rejected a plan that would change AMR staffing to make up for a paramedic shortfall and reduce response times
Put your applicants to the test with real-world scenarios created by generative AI
When employees are happy, engaged and productive, and the organization is meeting their individual needs, they are more likely to meet their full potential
Multnomah County commissioners are expected to decide on a plan to change AMR staffing to one medic and one EMT.
The Hennepin EMS internship exposes students of color and females to careers in EMS based on workforce research
U.S. citizenship as a pre-requisite could be removed for first responder jobs
The North Kingsville Fire Department ended it’s part-time EMS staffing after trial period
Avoid these mistakes to onboard EMTs who will thrive in EMS, and give their all to your agency
A background investigator can learn a lot about a person by simply looking at their social media accounts
EMS Chief Peggy Fonseca was fired due to budget overages and personally responding to calls
Easton Volunteer EMS saw an increase in staffing after officials restarted a recruitment program using Sacred Heart University students