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EMS Education

The EMS education topic includes articles with information about becoming involved in emergency medicine, how to get the most out of training, and career progression inside the industry.

Both sinus arrests and sinus exit blocks are characterized by an irregular rhythm associated with pauses; which is it?
We asked readers for advice on learning and studying pharmacology and received dozens of fantastic responses
How to learn and understand the medications paramedics administer
Lessons learned from implementation of a telestroke program
Paying attention to common eponyms discovered during a patient assessment and their associated pathology can identify a patient’s most critical needs
Consistently following a process to analyze a patient’s ECG will help you correctly identify their cardiac rhythm
Here’s a breakdown of differences in Bell’s palsy and stroke symptoms and prehospital care differences
The training system provides a variety of simulations for first responders, such as heart attacks, burns, childbirth, lacerations, broken bones and overdoses
Steve Whitehead shares the most important number on your cardiac monitor
Santa Fe Community College begins program to help increase specialized care throughout the state
You are on scene with a patient who is complaining of weakness. The vital signs your partner has given you are not very detailed. What are some ways to improve on those findings?
Try these six tips to take some of the pressure off of getting a blood pressure
Blood pressure may be the vital sign we measure the most and understand the least
Instead of “rules” you have been taught to distinguish sinus tach and SVT, follow these assessment and ECG interpretation tips
The program takes its name from the first-ever ambulance service composed of primarily Black paramedics
Chicopee students are partnered with a local ambulance company to have certification by graduation
The Adam Finseth Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to students majoring in the Emergency Medicine Paramedic or Emergency Medicine Technology programs
Like a ripple effect, one mistake or incorrect assumption can lead to increased negative outcomes for the patient
Eliminate EKG rhythms until there is only one probable interpretation
The bag-valve-mask can save your patient’s life; ensure you’re using it properly with these tools
How do you know you’re getting just the right amount of air into just the right place?
Lincoln Fire & Rescue hosted a Resuscitation Academy workshop for cardiac arrest training
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Twin Cities hospitals have cut training opportunities
Use SAMPLE history to assess the patient’s complaint and make treatment decisions
Help students get the most out of patient assessment scenarios and high-fidelity simulations with these debriefing tips
Consider adding these often-encountered patients to your EMT or paramedic class’s patient assessment drills or high-fidelity patient simulations
Memorization of acronyms does not necessarily translate to understanding; here’s a breakdown of what DCAP-BTLS means
Learn how emerging AI applications will impact dispatch, ePCR, education and revenue cycle management
Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath: While panic attacks and anxiety attacks share common symptoms, they also have distinct differences