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Equipping paramedics with the training and resources to survive the hazards of the job

A lawsuit claims Honolulu paramedics could have prevented a fatal ambulance fire. Was the crew’s response justified?
Be prepared for the unique challenges of law enforcement officers wounded on the job
Know the risk factors and how to implement a screening tool during patient transports
The ultimate equipment list
This user-friendly resource aims to address a gap in PPE selection and enhance safety culture
Plum EMS use cases demonstrate when the risk of using L&S is lower than the risk of delaying a lifesaving intervention
It is our responsibility to respond, no matter what the potential hazards may be, so what is your agency training on?
EMS Products
A short list of gadgets and gear that can have a big impact on how you operate
Products designed to make your job easier that you won’t regret purchasing or upgrading
Understand some terms related to paramedic care should a loved one need an ambulance
Steve Whitehead shares the red flags that mean you’re moving too fast on scene
Find out how body-worn camera video can boost patient care documentation, provider safety and more
Know the signs of escalation and how to diffuse dangerous encounters