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Learn how the Philadelphia Fire Department redefined service delivery, funding and success
As you ready yourself and your community for a heat wave, keep these tips in mind
Establish a low threshold for intervention and treat burns as soon as possible to prevent further injury
Cambria County Box 11 expands service in northern part of county
Cambria County Box 11 was formed in January as a rehab unit providing food, water, tents, heaters, fans and clothing
Phoenix has seen 28 consecutive days of 110 Fahrenheit ever recorded
Sweltering weather spreads from the Southwest to California causing heat-related deaths
Atlantic and Cataldo Ambulance Service EMT Todd Beaudet was celebrated during his trip from the hospital to rehab after being taken off a ventilator
Piedmont Medical Center EMS Paramedic Pearl Lemieux received applause as she was discharged from a rehab facility this week
Assess and improve the health of your team on a regular basis to combat the physical and mental demands of a career in firefighting/EMS
Treat aggressively with high-flow oxygen, rapid sequence intubation and Cyanokit in a patient with evidence of airway burns and CO2 poisoning
A new fire/EMS-specific treatment facility caters to specific job-related trauma while making first responders feel at home
The 41-foot medical ambulance bus provides on-scene rehab and mass casualty incident response
Rehab is difficult and doubly so when the temperatures soar or plunge; here’s a look at how to handle those challenging days
Firefighters should assume carcinogens are present during suppression and overhaul activities and take appropriate actions during and after the incident
Use the acronym to plan for five key elements needed to handle rehab operations for dozens of firefighters over several hours
As a responder’s core temperature continues to rise, morbidity progresses along the heat illness spectrum to heat exhaustion and heatstroke
Taking care of these four areas of overall firefighter health will improve fireground performance and reduce recovery time
Rehab patients are friends and co-workers, which requires additional awareness for rehab medical personnel and preplanning to administer over-the-counter medications
Encouraging firefighters to be more focused on rehab requires leadership, training and reinforcement
Let’s get smart about emergency responder hydration by understanding the need for prehydration and rehydration with water
The department reported worker’s compensation claims from overexertion dropped 42 percent
Like any fireground activity, a well-run rehab sector begins with planning and ends with execution
Point-of-care devices can supplement but not replace history-taking and physical examination during fireground rehab patient assessment
When researchers studied severely obese firefighters and its effect on their health and safety, the results were alarming
Fire scene conditions conspire to circumvent the skin’s ability to keep deadly toxins at bay
Vital sign abnormalities during rehab may indicate a medical problem requiring the firefighter to follow-up with their primary care physician
Noah Filer comes out of a coma and learns he’s a double amputee — then completes his goal of becoming a paramedic
Research shows sitting is the new smoking and for EMS providers who sit a lot more movement is needed