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EMS1 members shared their perspectives after it was reported that federal officials were considering hazard pay for first responders during the pandemic
If an overdose victim has not performed community service on their third overdose, then responders would not be dispatched to the call
The role, though thankless, is endlessly important.
If we aren’t careful, this job can lead us down a very rapid path toward divorce, financial ruin, depression and anxiety
Some days I have to lie; I can’t risk exposing them to the worst of the sights and sounds we experience
I probably would have muddled through this existence had I not been fortunate enough to do well on the fire department entrance exams
Saving our lives is far more complex than putting guns in our hands while on duty
I got to meet the woman that I had convinced myself had no possible chance of surviving
My brother’s death taught me a great deal, but the most important lesson I learned is how to treat your patients and their families
Remember that we all struggle and it takes true strength to admit when you need help
When EMS becomes your life, losing your job can almost feel like losing your life