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Eagles 2016

An ‘Eagleholic’ learns and shares the latest on resuscitation guidelines, stroke management, community paramedicine, dispatch, quality and patient safety from 2016 Gathering of Eagles
EMS medical directors discuss integrated health care programs to serve frequent 911 callers at Gathering of Eagles
Hemorrhage control guidelines direct paramedics to use hemostatic gauze but medics are often not formally trained in wound packing
Reckless behaviors warrant careful investigation and potentially lead to remediation or termination of employment
Southwest Texas EMS agencies adopt a “time out” for transferring EMS patients to nurses and physicians
Salt Lake City Fire Department investigation finds no difference in the interruption to compressions between video and direct laryngoscopy
Training, including pediatric-specific training, reduced self-reported medication errors in a major fire-based EMS system
EMS medical directors discuss innovations and improvements in stroke patient, triage care at Gathering of Eagles
EMS medical directors discuss pediatric and pregnant patient resuscitation, the use of active compression devices and head-elevated CPR at Gathering of Eagles