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Matt Streger, Brian Hupp and Simon Claridge discuss patient and provider safety devices and protocols
What unconscious biases are your simulations enforcing?
Maintaining skill sets through regular training is more important than ever, even if it is through online platforms
The training system provides a variety of simulations for first responders, such as heart attacks, burns, childbirth, lacerations, broken bones and overdoses
Santa Fe Community College begins program to help increase specialized care throughout the state
Dayton Children’s Hospital’s state-of-the-art center includes an ambulance simulator
Funding allows Haywood Community College to purchase new simulation mannequins as EMS training program grows
First responders in Mahaska County faced various simulations inside the Simulation in Motion-Iowa mobile lab
Los Alamitos High School will use the simulator in its training to prepare students for EMT certification
Austin-Travis County EMS personnel toured the Texas State Technical College’s Immersive Interactive lab, ambulance simulator
Trainers across the country are including pyrotechnics, paid actors and virtual reality to better simulate realism for first responders
A school bus crash simulation gave Texas State Technical College’s Abilene students a chance to show their skills
300 Butte College students participated in two days of fire and EMS scenarios
300 Butte College students participated in two days of fire and EMS scenarios
Trainer T3 offers new immersive features with real-life equipment and physics-based object motion
Texas State Technical College’s EMS program launches a complete ambulance simulator
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences students faced a truck crashing into the chemistry lab and exploding
Wake County EMS personnel work to improve their skills with adult and pediatric manikins
Quad-Cities International Airport was the site of a plane crash and fire with multiple patients
Simulation in Motion Montana was in Kalispell delivering essential skills and knowledge in a realistic setting
SIM-IA has been visiting cities on the RAGBRAI route to offer EMS training through clinical scenarios
The University of Iowa Simulation in Motion’s three vehicles each carry a simulated emergency bay, ambulance box and four patient simulators.
First responders in Norman drilled several times with several scenarios focusing on quickly treating the wounded
Ukiah hospital’s ‘Trauma Expo’ brings first responders and ED staff together to experience each others’ jobs during an MCI training drill
Four years ago at Chabad of Poway a gunman opened fire during a Passover service, killing one of the congregants and wounding three others
Careerline Tech Center students worked through several scenarios evaluating their skills as they prepare for a career in EMS
The “Simulation In Motion-Iowa” program uses a mobile simulation lab that is meant to take on the look and feel of an ambulance
Providers are able to choose from 45 different training simulations; the most requested topic is sepsis, the unit’s executive director said