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Thirty-one people have died and at least 3,500 homes and businesses have been destroyed
Janis Bishop reported her husband missing late Sunday morning after he ate breakfast with a friend
Minneapolis Fire Chief John Fruetel said the body was found in the rubble of a building that partially collapsed during the blast at the Minnehaha Academy
Eric Pracht’s family is still searching one year after he walked out of his home with no shoes or keys
It is unknown where Acie Evans has been for the past 72 hours, but he is now at the hospital
More than 200 experienced searchers spent nearly a day combing the woods searching for the child
Bethnee Haury was airlifted to a hospital to be treated for dehydration and minor injuries
Officials said the boy knew he was lost, walked until it got dark and then sat down on a property line
Eric Pracht was last seen leaving his house after a heated conversation six months ago