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2021 EMS Trend Report: Redefining adaptability, resilience and growth

The impact COVID-19 had, and didn’t have, the changes we’re embracing and the change providers want to see

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By Anthony W. Minge, EdD; and Kerri Hatt

The 2021 EMS Trend Report, produced in collaboration with Fitch & Associates and the National EMS Management Association, and sponsored by Pulsara, continues our effort to identify how those in EMS perceive growth, change and the challenges impacting the sustainability and future of the industry. [Fill out the form on this page to download your copy of the 2021 EMS Trend Report.]

Last year, we said that 2020 would be a “defining year” for EMS. Even at the time, soon after the emergence of the new coronavirus in the U.S., we didn’t realize how much that might be true. It certainly was a defining year for EMS, for healthcare and for the entire global community.

A year later, the long-term impacts of the pandemic on our profession remain uncertain. What we do know is how the pandemic highlighted the adaptability of EMS. The sixth annual EMS Trend Report dives into the impact COVID-19 had, and didn’t have, the changes we’re embracing and the change providers want to see, as we explore the opinions, concerns and hopes of your colleagues across EMS at this critical moment in history.

Download your copy to read:

  • The state of the profession: The more things change, the more they stay the same
  • Roundtable: Incremental change through transformative events
  • Is poor leadership more dangerous than a pandemic?
  • Why EMS systems that scale represent the future of EMS
  • 8 Places to invest in provider safety
Paramedic Chief Digital Edition is an EMS1 original publication that focuses on some of the most challenging topics facing paramedic chiefs and EMS service leaders everywhere.