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EMS Training and Education

Learn how ATCEMS identified EMS training goals and implemented an assault reporting function to protect providers from violence
Dive into a curated collection of must-read public safety books, from thrilling accounts and leadership lessons from the front lines, to read-aloud children’s favorites
It’s on agencies to provide opportunities for community members to learn the skills needed to potentially save the life of a stranger or loved one
This day’s theme highlights the pediatric clinical care provided by EMS and the need for increased specialized training for our youngest patients
Use these tips to pick the stethoscope best for you and to use it correctly on every patient
How to use the lost art of auscultatory percussion to evaluate suspected long bone fractures
Gain confidence in the difference between normal and abnormal breath sounds by auscultating lung sounds on every patient
Regularly reviewing and practicing MCI skills will make sure EMS personnel are ready to act when a major incident happens
Keeping patients moving toward definitive treatment through accurate triage of life threats is the key to EMS success at a mass casualty incident
Inspiring ways to recognize providers’ contributions, educate the community and recruit the next generation
Breaking down some light-hearted and professionally-serious tips to start and build a successful career in EMS
Tuesday’s theme aims to foster a culture of safety, collaboration and preparedness within the EMS industry and in local communities
This year marks the 50th recogntion of EMS Week, established in 1974 by President Gerald Ford
The IPSLEI-endowed scholarship program has awarded $31,000 to students across the United States who desire to serve public safety
Learn more about the accreditation process before voluntary AEMT accreditation becomes available on January 1, 2025
Nitroglycerin or “Nitro” is a commonly encountered medication for EMS, but it may not work the way you think or do what you think it does
Here’s an overview of what naloxone is and how responders are helping curb the opioid epidemic
Cover how to identify drug abuse vs. an opioid overdose, as well as drug administration routes and potential complications
Torin Slaughter is raising money to install about 100 Stop the Bleed kits at Case High School
Mayor Eric Adams signed legislation requiring protection and training for FDNY EMS personnel
What is your organization doing to enhance medics’ mathematical skills in the field?
In a concise one-hour course, participants will learn three essential steps to control bleeding
Both sinus arrests and sinus exit blocks are characterized by an irregular rhythm associated with pauses; which is it?
Former state trooper helps MHS students become comfortable with law enforcement
We asked readers for advice on learning and studying pharmacology and received dozens of fantastic responses
How to learn and understand the medications paramedics administer
Lessons learned from implementation of a telestroke program
Paying attention to common eponyms discovered during a patient assessment and their associated pathology can identify a patient’s most critical needs
Consistently following a process to analyze a patient’s ECG will help you correctly identify their cardiac rhythm