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Memorial Day

Every year, Memorial Day becomes less and less of a national holiday
The acknowledgment of the sacrifice given by military veterans began even before the U.S. was a country
He worked hard to make the medical supply warehouse the best it was, and was killed in 2011 in a flight mission in Afghanistan
Bristol Health (Conn.) EMS Paramedic Taylor Gonzalez, 31, responded when fellow Army veteran James Whalen, 70, suffered a heart attack while swimming
Amid the backyard barbecues and price-slashing sales, thousands across the country are remembering their loved ones
People have the right to do whatever it is that makes them happy, provided it does not infringe upon another’s right to do the same
Lest we forget, Memorial Day is about remembering our fallen troops, not perfecting our baked beans recipe
Memorial Day has a specific purpose, and maintaining that purpose is important
Crews were busy and short-staffed over Memorial Day weekend, saying it points to a bigger-picture need for more funding and volunteers