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Too often, leaders get caught up in leading the technical and operational aspects of change and don’t budget time and energy for leading the people
When taking a closer look at big accomplishments, we don’t find lone leaders — we find great groups and teams
Next time you’re looking to hire for the position, look for someone with these characteristics
When supervisors really listen, they light fires of loyalty that motivate employees to bust their butts to make the supervisor and the organization more successful
Instead of taking a reflexive action, think about ways to turn crisis into an opportunity to strengthen relationships
Resolutions aside, this is a convenient time to reflect on the past year, and here are three questions to ponder as you consider the 12 months ahead
The most demanding yet unrecognized and unrewarded job in EMS is that of the supervisor, manager and leader who really cares about their workers
Here’s how EMS organizations can better prepare and mentor those promoted into supervisory or management roles
An annual retreat where EMS leaders reflect on what they’ve learned from employees and patients helps one agency set a clear direction and establish priorities for the coming year
If we are to break out of the confining boxes that inhibit adequate funding and find a fix to the broken reimbursement system, we need to imagine how things might be different
A grant-funded study to explore the future of rural ambulance services in South Dakota revealed some important findings
Here’s an example of what improving morale would look like from an employe’s perspective
Vision is only a powerful daydream until it matches what really matters to personnel in an organization, community or country
Learn the surprising discoveries of a mono-tasking challenge
The role of listening is humbling and demanding; it is also transforming what I thought I knew
Being a “good listener” is one of the best compliments a supervisor, chief or educator can receive
Conflict is a natural, expected part of human relationships and can be expected in EMS organizations
Your answer to “What is the greatest EMS need?” depends on the vantage from which you view EMS
EMS managers often fear that they will look over their shoulder and no one will be following