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As another year winds down, we look back on the moments that stood out, from daring rescues, charitable good deeds and responses that went above-and-beyond the call of duty. Amid staffing shortages and a continued effort to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, providers persevered to serve their communities at all costs.

Relive the bright moments of 2022 as our columnists and contributors share their biggest takeaways of the year and offer their hopes and predictions for 2023.

5 ways a good partner can make the shift go more smoothly and improve patient and provider safety
“It’s not that kindness and altruism in our profession – and the world in general – is becoming rarer, it’s that it happens so often that it’s not news”
“The most important part of my life is to help and uplift other people, so there’s no way I can give up now,” says 34-year-old J.C. LaVerde
Our co-hosts recount the EMS stories that generated the most debate on the podcast during the year; do you agree with their conclusions?
Remembering the service and the selflessness of those lost this year
Cathy Trainor worked at a refugee center shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where she treated people suffering the mental and physical effects of war
Firefighter Megan Warfield leapt into action to help a victim in an overturned car after being involved in a multi-vehicle crash – and gave birth 23 hours later
What we can learn about retention from EMS rising stars
Check out the results from this year’s polls, which captured the pulse of the EMS1 community throughout 2022
The year was full of disaster responses but also brought impressive extrications, off-duty saves, helpful Boy Scouts and a rampaging camel
From locally, to Ecuador and Ukraine, EMS and fire organizations stepped up to make a difference both at home and internationally
Take advantage of new resources to prevent over- and under-triage, and to guide transportation decisions
This year’s strangest tales involved a medic who won a lottery, providers treating family members, a heroic dispatcher, unfriendly animals and unique car crashes
Check out the guests, the controversy and the takeaways that garnered these episodes of Inside EMS an EMS One-Stop the most listens of the year