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2010 Year in Review

As 2010 comes to a close, our columnists reflect on the biggest EMS stories of the year. Read accounts of the year’s most memorable incidents in our first-person features, and check out our slideshow for the most powerful images of the year. Here’s to a happy and safe 2011!

We need to figure out how to tie our EMS resources to the rest of our medical assets to maintain adequate out-of-hospital health care and add to the available general medical care
Now that EMS crews have exchanged their hot packs for cold packs, and stocking extra blankets instead of bottled water, let’s count down the most memorable events of the year
With the recent turnover in both houses of Congress, our advocacy work in 2011 will focus on educating and re-educating national leaders and staff on the challenges faced by EMS professionals
Marketing is something that should be a part of our normal business
The big picture view: I still like what our profession stands for, but there are a few things we need to take care of
We continue to suffer deaths in the line of duty and without question and without exception, these are tragic events
The decisions we make right now will affect the quality of life for thousands of patients for the rest of our careers
The past 12 months saw a number of things happen that impacted EMS
I just love simple ideas and products that actually work and hold up on the street