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A future EMT’s submission to the NPR student podcast challenge seeks to educate the public about lights and siren use
You responded to a female teenager complaining of headache, nausea, vomiting and dizziness; did you get the diagnosis right?
The lawsuit claims EMS providers bypassed closer hospitals, instead transporting Zachary Polsenberg to a hospital 20 miles away after he collapsed during practice
The waiver allows students to go through the EMT program and take the state certification exam at 16-and-a-half years old
Officials said Joshua Patterson, 21, found the 15-year-old patient on Snapchat and sent her sexually explicit photos of himself
The AMR ambulance will serve as a simulation lab for the Academy of Health Services at Lanier High School
Participants in Health Occupation Day learned several skills, such as how to safely remove a patient from a vehicle and stabilize their spinal cord
A student-run nonprofit is pushing for a law that requires minors provide proof of CPR training before sitting for a driver’s license test
The Department of Homeland Security is accepting applications for the School-Age Trauma Training grant
The two-week camp for high schoolers will teach them about bleeding control, airway management, rescue techniques and mass casualty response
The 15-year-old assaulted William Herr, who was attempting to help the teen into an ambulance for treatment
Researchers said at-risk teens who are prescribed opioids are more prone to becoming dependent on the drugs
Evan Travers was driving with his girlfriend when the car in front of him veered across Kanner Highway, hit a light post and slammed into a tree
School officials have said that the move to stock the antidote is not a result of students overdosing on school property, but as a precaution
The injuries sustained by the seven victims are not believed to be life-threatening
The 18-year-old from Pennsylvania suffered from several heart defects, including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
The Texas boy was reprimanded for leaving the class to carry a friend to the school nurse
Newly diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, he made the video while recovering and awaiting heart surgery
Luke Schemm, 17, had just scored the extra point after a touchdown when he ran to the sidelines and collapsed
What level of care is available and are EMS personnel on standby at high school football games in your response area?
The medic was in her car finishing paperwork when she heard a loud bang, and saw three teenagers running away
A 17-year-old girl went into cardiac arrest toward the end of the procedure
UK responders perform a high-angle rope rescue to free the injured from The Smiler amusement ride
The parents of a 14-year-old who died after being struck by an ambulance filed a civil action suit claiming it was driven in a “negligent, careless and reckless manner”
During blizzard 17-year-old boy lost control of tube and crashed into a light pole
A doctor and nurse in the stands performed CPR, and a shock from an on-site defibrillator revived the 14-year-old’s heart after he collapsed
Inhaling the beans for the quick high has gone viral, but many have reported overdose side effects that include dizziness, vomiting and hallucinations