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Book Excerpt

These nine leaderships books have been voted among the best in the genre
Next time you select a book for your child, consider these EMS-themed reads
Exploring the distinct stressors first responders face during medical calls
C.B. Garris shares the profound satisfaction derived from a demanding yet gratifying profession dedicated to saving lives
Capt. Jeremy Norton shares that EMS is the majority of work firefighters face
Author Jeremy Norton shares his experiences from the field, fueled by the belief that EMS offers the best way to connect and help vulnerable community members
“Everybody has a book title in them and we’re going to put everybody on the path of becoming authors.”
EMS Attorney David Givot clears up misconceptions about the law and EMS provider rights
“The most useful books that I’ve read from the perspective of practicing medicine are non-medical books.”
Our cohosts tackle the difficult topic of trauma and healthy ways emergency responders can cope with the sometimes overwhelming feelings
A fiction novel from Kelly Grayson pits a paramedic, police officer and a U.S. Marshal against fallen angel
Paramedic Kevin Hazzard recounts the incredible story of the Black men and women who became America’s first paramedics
Kelly Grayson and Greg Friese discuss the importance of clinical accuracy, a narrative arc that connects the patient responses, and author point of view
If your organizational culture creates risks for your agency, here are some change strategies
This week’s photo is from Merced, California, where two Riggs Ambulance Service providers visited and read to a group of elementary students
Police sergeant and EMS educator Brian Casey shares memories of the atmosphere of crisis he experienced as a young EMT
“A lot of people have reached out to me, that I don’t even know, and tell me, ‘My kid loved it,’” said New Castle County Corporal Jessica Mahon
Too often, the “best” paramedic is promoted to supervisor without training in the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to be successful leaders
I believe that managing micro-stressors will prepare me for when I am confronted with a large, high-stress incident at work or home
Australian Paramedic Sunny Whitfield shares tales from the lighter side of paramedicine, adventure and life
Russ Myers offers a handbook for EMS chaplaincy
Learning to coach yourself and create habits for success are critical early steps so you can better manage your members
What’s on your department’s Amazon wish list? 5 ways to leverage Prime Day for your department and community
Listen as author Jennifer Murphy recounts her time on the streets of New York City during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it inspired her recent book
“First Responder” covers EMT Jennifer Murphy’s experience throughout the pandemic and working under “the city’s long-broken EMS system”
21-year paramedic Graeme Taylor shares witty, uncensored insights into the life of a first responder
The personal risks and magnitude of suffering with the pandemic are something no one should have to face alone
Kate Boyd Dernocoeur contemplates the art and science of prehospital care, and how streetsense enhances the skills learned in EMS training