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What’s your book title?

“Everybody has a book title in them and we’re going to put everybody on the path of becoming authors.”

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In this episode of Inside EMS, our cohosts and best-selling authors put our listeners on the path to becoming authors.

Top quotes from this episode

“Everybody has a book title in them and we’re going to put everybody on the path of becoming authors.”

“I have an idea of where I want the story to go, but how the characters interact, how they talk, the adventures and trials and tribulations they go through, develop as the story goes along.”

“When I’m at my best, the writing just flows, and I’m just typing away and I’m giggling or crying, as the case may be, and enjoying the hell out of it.”

“The days that it doesn’t flow like a waterfall is where it takes some work ethic and some discipline, and you have to get the story on the page no matter how bad you think it is, and then find your muse and find the spark in it in the editing process.”

Together, Chris and Kelly discuss:

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The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs