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Activating the surgical team: A low-frequency, high-risk emergency procedure in the field
Flight physician Cynthia M. Griffin shares lessons learned from an emergency surgical cricothyrotomy performed in a prehospital setting
Cardiac assist device provides mechanical support for a heart in crisis
Rory Barros, who was struck by an alleged drunk driver while responding to a call, most recently had a surgery to continue to clean out deep wounds
Rory Barros was injured when a car pinned him against an ambulance while he was on scene
Despite Michael Barnes’ injuries, his wife said he is in high spirits and appreciates the support that’s been given
Better understanding and further scientific study of the mesentery could lead to less invasive surgeries, fewer complications and faster patient recovery
The soldier was transported eight hours by ground ambulance before surgery in a hospital parking lot
Penis transplants have generated interest among veterans, but they will require more extensive surgery since their injuries tend to be more extensive
A Brazil EMS provider shared photos of the fish’s spines stuck into the woman’s stomach
Teegan Lexcen was born with only one lung, and almost all of the left half of her heart is missing
There are only three other documented cases where the same surgery has been performed
The first penis transplant in the U.S. will be performed on a young soldier within a year
Capt. Gene Hull, 53, underwent surgery to amputate his right arm after being diagnosed with cancer in the tissue around his collarbone
The woman had to undergo emergency surgery to prevent sepsis
Lily James almost lost her foot after a boating accident when she was 7, but thanks to the medics and doctors’ quick response she made a complete recovery
Patrick Hardison, 41, has undergone over 70 surgeries to recreate his face that was burned off while fighting a mobile home fire in 2001
A head-on car accident broke the toddler’s C1 and C2 vertebrae and his collarbone
The doctors are trained in performing operations in the field, and crawled under the train to perform the surgery with limited tools
The “Tonight” show host tripped and caught his wedding ring on a countertop; his finger was nearly torn off and required six hours of surgery to save
Surgeons removed a nail thrown by a weed trimmer into a man’s eye; it was just touching a key artery
Her sternum was compressing her heart, shifting it into her left lung; EMS colleagues came together to raise money for her surgery
At least 10 patients suffered mild burns to severe “thick skin burns,” a five-month internal investigation revealed the cause
The Brazilian man was not aware, likely due to shock and alcohol, of the knife lodged just behind his optical nerve for three hours
The surgery involved removing her shin and attaching her reversed foot to the knee socket
Kentucky surgeons used the model to examine multiple heart defects in a 14-month-old boy before successfully repairing the damage
After a broken ankle led to 12 surgeries and the amputation of his leg, the NY man sued his doctors for medical malpractice