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How a state’s wristband system and Pulsara redefined safety at the Texas Renaissance Festival
A new version is tailored for EMS, and enhanced guidance will improve burn care
Assistance is available from the U.S. government, but local systems have important responsibilities
Our host and guest host tackle road safety and how to get the most out of virtual conferences
In this episode, co-host Kelly Grayson is joined by guest host EMS1 columnist Rob Lawrence to discuss the development of quality metrics
Our co-hosts are joined by EMS1 Editor-in-Chief Kerri Hatt and EMS1 columnist Rob Lawrence to discuss the latest EMS Trend Report
Our co-hosts sit down with EMS1 columnist Rob Lawrence to discuss how EMS is rising to meet the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic
Our co-hosts speak with best-selling author and motivational speaker Greg Jacobson, who offers advice to keep EMS providers focused and dedicated during the pandemic
Our co-hosts discuss several EMS items in the news and how they impact first responders on the ground
Our co-hosts discuss the best way to keep a new EMS provider dedicated and professional
Our co-hosts sit down with Buck Ferris, an organ donation training coordinator, who discusses the logistics of his post-EMS profession
Telehealth applications can reduce unnecessary exposure and better utilize EMS resources
Learn how health information exchange is improving patient outcomes, increasing organizational efficiencies and recovering revenue as possible in the Pinnacle Webinar Series
Our co-hosts discuss the effect of falling call volumes on EMS staffing levels and how agencies can prepare for the future
Tyler Technologies’ New World CrewForce enables first responders to instantly access role-based and real-time data as it’s needed
Industry association websites, webinars and resources offer training, procedures and advocacy for their members who are on the frontline pandemic response
Identifying, mitigating and avoiding these billing issues, from the patient and provider sides, can maximize your reimbursement potential and streamline EMS billing
Can police, fire and EMS overcome the challenges we faced in the 2010s to prosper in the 2020s?
Instead of GPS coordinates, which can be difficult to remember, what3words software assigns a three-word combination to 3-meter by 3-meter squares around the world
Download this EMS1 scheduling software buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Download the free white paper to learn how to establish a more fair and equitable shift bidding process to save time and improve employee engagement
When every moment matters, Tyler Technologies’ New World CAD gets critical information where it needs to go
Manually calculating hours worked, tracking PTO requests and verifying daily schedule questions is time consuming, and vulnerable to human error
Our co-hosts look to the future and discuss which EMS model of service may not be in existence in the next 10 years, as value-based reimbursement systems emerge
Our co-hosts record live at the Initial Assessment Conference and discuss EMS education and leadership issues, as well as take questions from the audience
Our co-hosts discuss a bill in the Conn. state legislature that excludes EMS personnel from receiving benefits related to post-traumatic stress disorder
Our co-hosts discuss the complexities of handling pediatric patients, including best practices and building confidence in the ability to treat children
Our co-hosts sit down with Jonathan Washko, assistant vice president for the Center of Emergency Medical Services, to talk about his recent research involving a four-year community paramedic study
Our co-hosts sit down with award-winning speaker and author Rommie Duckworth, who explains how to diagnose, treat and manage septic patients
Austin-based ESO said the purchase of eCore Software extends the breadth of ESO’s product portfolio
Our co-hosts discuss the recently-released 2019 EMS Scope of Practice Model and underscore what has changed for providers
Explaining the reason you are unable to cover an open EMT or paramedic shift is unnecessary and counter-productive