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It may not be poor brain integrity that is causing a lack of response to a sternum rub, but an inadequate length of time the sternum rub is applied
Understand some terms related to paramedic care should a loved one need an ambulance
Waveform capnography provides real-time feedback that BLS providers can use to make treatment decisions and improve care
The John Wesley Foster Act requires schools to have mandated training, AEDs and response plans
San Diego County’s extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation pilot program using ECMO was started over a year ago and involves three hospitals
Cumberland County’s 4-Minute City Program uses nearly 300 AEDs
The Madison-Rockingham Rescue Squad technician pulled the victim from the water and began CPR
Kansas City firefighters entered the sewer and found the worker face down in six to eight inches of water
Skagit County has begun using PulsePoint Respond and PulsePoint AED to improve the use of bystander CPR
Sen. Arthur Orr performed CPR on Sen. Tim Melson during a trip to South Korea in 2023
Workers in the funeral home immediately started CPR but the woman died later at a hospital
How is your agency faring on these important metrics?
Firefighters from three departments are recognized for their quick work with CPR and an AED
The Seminole County Fire Department’s Save-A-Life program helped train Winter Springs High School students in hands-only CPR
Yi-Joo Kwon met his rescuers at the FDNY’s annual “Second Chance” celebration
It’s on agencies to provide opportunities for community members to learn the skills needed to potentially save the life of a stranger or loved one
Inspiring ways to recognize providers’ contributions, educate the community and recruit the next generation
The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office flew the drone to a simulated emergency and dropped the AED to the 911 caller
An engine from Chuckawalla Valley State Prison/Ironwood State Prison Fire Station, staffed with two incarcerated firefighters, responded to a child’s cardiac arrest call
Dodge Center Ambulance personnel responded to a collapse at the Con-Tech plant
Cardiologist Barry Ramo, founder of Project Heart Start, started compressions on the woman as 200-300 people were engaged in training
Avive has rapidly built an expansive and diverse customer base, delivering its FDA-approved, award-winning AED technology across all 50 states
Use SAMPLE history to assess the patient’s complaint and make treatment decisions
Spokane high school teammates Brody Graham and Grant Lichfield sprung into action when their coach suffered a cardiac arrest
Alisa Grubbs had just warmed up and started stretching when she suddenly collapsed
Throughout the years, Lois and Arn Hart have given their time and money to the communities they live in
When it became clear the woman’s heart rate was dangerously unstable, the jail staff used a defibrillator to restore her heartbeat to a normal rhythm
Katie Young was able to thank Northampton Regional EMS and Catasauqua Fire Department personnel for their quick response
Willie Hatchett collasped next to where Atlanta Police Officer Melina Lim was stationed