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Richmond Ambulance Authority donates supplies, ambulances abroad
From locally, to Ecuador and Ukraine, EMS and fire organizations stepped up to make a difference both at home and internationally
A small group is coordinating with the Ukrainian Government to ship ambulances and fire apparatus full of supplies to support Ukrainians, and they need your help
“These medical supplies will help alleviate the suffering of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers injured in the war,” said NAEMT President Bruce Evans
City Councilman Charles Slife hopes to introduce a bill this year to bring the city’s billing rates into line with the industry
Katya Korshenbaum deployed with Magen David Adom, which has sent ambulances and field hospital staff
The American College of Surgeons is also seeking donations to help send bleeding control supplies to the region
Buncombe County Rescue Squad’s financial issues date back at least as far as 2016
The Highview Fire Department and Louisville Metro Police Department have been raising funds for Sean Colyer
EMS Gives Life says that potential donors can help Kelly Raymond — even without being an exact match
“I don’t think there’s a single firefighter that watches what’s happening in Ukraine right now and doesn’t feel a little heartsick,” said Greg Zimmerman
Departments in California, Florida and Ohio have been collecting PPE, medical supplies, food and more
Two people were killed in the onslaught; sources say the ambulance may have been donated by the London Ambulance Service
Cathy Trainor will be using her medical training and Russian language skills with the Global Disaster Relief Team
Benjamin Silverstein, whose truck is outfitted with lights and a siren, said his vehicle also contained thousands of dollar’s worth of medical equipment
Some U.S. medics have deployed with Team Rubicon, and one started his own nonprofit
AMR, Monroe Ambulance and Rochester Fire Department are donating the vehicles, firefighter gear and first aid kits
From freelancing to insurance, there are several factors that should impact go/no-go deployment decisions
“The people we are going to help have no water, no food, no medical supplies,” said Tylerr Jones
Moonachie First Aid & Rescue Squad member Robert Thornton was clearing a crash scene as part of a towing company crew when he was hit
The annual contribution cap for ambulance and rescue squads and volunteer first-aid groups would go from $70,000 to $125,000
Alachua County Fire Rescue is asking the public to help Brandon Boothby
The nonprofit EMS Gives Life is offering support to EMS providers who could help Reid Cappel
Calling the blood shortage the worst in over a decade, organization officials said donations are down 10% since the start of the pandemic
Check out the creativity and generosity of your fellow firefighters and EMS providers, plus two safety reminders to share with your community
The event included firefighters, EMTs, doctors, teachers and police officers plus a party at Newark city hall and food distribution
Lifeguard Ambulance hosted a “Jeeps for Kids” toy drive to benefit pediatric patients at the local children’s hospital
Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance had been dangerously low on donations
Hear from live liver donor Will Lindbergh, whose selfless act inspired a charity to encourage first responders to participate in organ donation
The member-based initiative unites police, fire and EMS foundations to address resource gaps
Palm Harbor Fire & Rescue Firefighter-Paramedic Lt. Ashley White was struck while retrieving equipment from the staged apparatus
Newport Beach’s new program is based on the Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets (CAHOOTS) program that has been successful in Eugene, Ore.
Colton Davis’ death in 2019 spurred his parents, Brett and Erin Davis, to start a fundraiser to help purchase AEDs for LaPorte County first responders