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In 20-25% of cases, stroke symptoms and signs represent a stroke mimic, such as hypoglycemia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis or infection
Master seizure thresholds, classification and treatment approaches
Learn common triggers, assessment findings, and the different phases and classifications of seizures
There is nothing fake or pseudo about the mortality rate of patients with PNES
A multicenter randomized control trial reveals that all drugs are created equal, at least when it comes to levetiracetam, fosphenytoin and valproate
Researchers at the University of Queensland Institute for Molecular Bioscience found that spider venom is more effective in treating nervous system disorders
Emergency Marijuana Service owns 15 trucks for selling marijuana lollipops across the US
Listen to dispatch recording of girl calmly providing her mom’s medical history
The Labrador-golden retriever mix can predict when 7th grader Rachel is going to have a seizure, and has become such a staple at the school that he’s pictured in the yearbook next to his owner