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Learn how providers can increase their visibility and awareness of approaching hazards in the field to identify potential risks
Body-worn cameras can provide important support for EMS providers, but it’s important to understand the key issues before implementing a BWC program
This issue features articles on the challenges of and lessons learned from several important innovations
A REMSA employee cited HIPAA and asked a reporter to stop filming a man resisting police in a public space
The cameras will record for 12 seconds when triggered by an event like major acceleration
She called 911 for medical assistance and says officers forcefully arrested her; both she and police say they have video to prove what happened
There’s hardly a mobile phone out there that can’t capture video, but EMS providers must maintain professionalism regardless of if they’re being filmed
Hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson take the issue further, digging into problems with unnecessary oversight, and practical uses in telemedicine
Hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the pros and cons of putting cameras in the back of rigs, and debate ALS vs. BLS systems