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Oxygen Administration

Changing the way we think about and train providers on oxygen administration
Prehospital caveats for non-invasive and invasive airway management as we learn more about the pathophysiology of COVID-19
Understanding the pathophysiology of difficulty breathing and different methods of delivering airway pressure
Homeless Health Care Los Angeles teams carry oxygen, along with naloxone, to reverse the effects of opioid overdose
The disparity caused patients of color to receive less supplemental oxygen compared with white patients
The position statements summarize recommendations for training, quality management, pediatric considerations and more
“I’ve been here 30 years, and I’ve never had this happen,” said Captain Jon Moore with the Mesquite Fire Department
Norwalk firefighters’ union says a new policy will cut responses to 12 of 16 general medical alarms, despite many firefighters also being medics
A paramedic administered oxygen before Brito was transported to a Rochester, N.Y., hospital
Springfield officers resuscitated and administered oxygen to the 3-month-old who had stopped breathing
FDNY EMS Local 2507 President Oren Barzilay was among the providers who answered the call for medical help
Paramedics treated and resuscitated 26 more cats in what was called a “domesticated animal mass casualty incident”
Ed Fox, who died due to COVID-19 two weeks after the 911 call, reportedly suffered two falls under the care of the EMS crew, who are also accused of forgetting to connect oxygen to a non-rebreather mask
Phoenix Paramedic Jake McDaniel used an oxygen mask specifically made for pets to revive the unconscious pup after a fire
Chesterfield Firefighter-EMT Amie Barnes said she had never given oxygen to an animal before but followed her instincts to save the “feline member of the family”
Firefighter-paramedics rapidly implement new ideas to curb infection
A Texas fire department is trialing the new method of giving oxygen through a patient’s nose
How to recognize and mitigate extracorporeal membrane oxygenation complications during EMS transport
A county animal response team taught participants pet first aid and how to use pet oxygen masks
Treat acute cardiac syndrome patients with the appropriate order of operations, and consider when traditional treatments may be contraindicated
Dangerous oxygen tank accidents can occur within the ambulance if the cylinders are not cared for properly
When shock is suspected, it’s important to identify which stage you’re working with
Fairbanks Paramedic Academy graduates and students took home first place in every category, crediting their training and education for their wins
Expand your knowledge of EMS care beyond rote memorization and you’ll soon realize that you are rarely withholding care
The paramedic-designed product is a self-administering medication device that looks and tastes like a lollipop
Recent study suggests it may be safe to withhold oxygen from normoxic patients who are suffering from AMI
BVM is hard, and unless you have a perfect technique, it’s going to be difficult to get the volume of air you need into the patient without a nasopharyngeal airway