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Four officers were killed and four others were wounded while trying to capture a man who was wanted for possession of a firearm by an ex-felon
Tyler Wenrich, VP of operations at Emergency Services Solutions Inc., was going through a security checkpoint after traveling to Grand Turk on a cruise ship when it was discovered he had ammo
Cabell County medics were inside a house treating a patient when the man jumped into their rig and drove off
Sam Orbovich was unconscious, trapped in his burning car on I-94 in St. Paul
LAFD said 16 patients were transported, 37 were treated on the scene
Three officers were killed; four Charlotte-Mecklenburg officers who responded to the scene were also shot while trying to rescue the wounded officers
Mitigate NIBP and auscultating innacuracies by watching the plethysmography waveform on your pulse oximeter and noting the mean arterial pressure
Steve Whitehead shares the most important number on your cardiac monitor
“We will move out of Jacksonville,” LifeStar Ambulance Service President Roger D. Campbell said during a Municipal Ambulance Commission meeting
Regardless of pushback, providers have a responsibility to put the safety of the patient above all else when on scene