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Lexipol is America’s leading provider of defensible policies and training for public safety organizations, delivering our services through a unique, web-based development system. Lexipol offers state-specific policy manuals, regular policy updates and daily scenario based training against policy.

Although teamwork is a natural element of public safety, it’s easy for leaders to become complacent and fail to pay sufficient attention to team dynamics
Get to know your people, listen to their input, and allow them to use their skills and abilities
The public’s First Amendment right to film is strongest when it comes to filming governmental employees engaged in their public duties in public places
Make a to-do list to help you stay on-task and prevents assignments from being overlooked
Our co-hosts are joined by the executive director to discuss what systems will look like in the future, and how we should think about the role of providers
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham outlines best practices for first responders looking to plan for their financial future
Our co-hosts tackle the week’s top stories, including an EMT who was handcuffed after hitting a cop car with the rig door while exiting to unload a patient
If you’re one of the people actively working on an exit strategy, there are some important things to consider before you tap out
Branding, hiring and creating an immersive experience: Lessons from Disney with Matt Zavadsky
Responders are taught about “command presence,” but what about the “quiet presence” that comes with empathy?
How to apply for grant funding for naloxone and opioid-reversal interventions and more
Yoga poses can help improve firefighter flexibility and mobility – factors that are essential not only to improving endurance, but to resisting injury
EMS leaders should set the example and model the behavior that is best for the department and the crews
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham discusses the importance of first responders staying vigilant to keep themselves protected from COVID and other pathogens
If your organizational culture creates risks for your agency, here are some change strategies
In this tip, Gordon Graham reminds first responders not to go on autopilot when it comes to completing training requirements, because “lives depend on it”
Opioid settlement funding will continue for 11 to 18 years, and it is expected that more settlements will be forthcoming. Is your agency getting its share?
Left unexamined, the outcomes of substance abuse disorders are as predictable as they are depressing
While important for employee development, performance evaluations are only as good as the effort put forth to create them
The work of year-long self-improvement comes down to small and regular decisions made day after day, moment by moment
The holidays can be magical, but they can also be stressful; as a first responder, you owe it to yourself to make it work for you
The holidays can be magical, but they can also be stressful; as a first responder, you owe it to yourself to make it work for you
What are you to doing to enhance situational awareness and reduce multitasking in a world increasingly consumed with distraction?
Why EMS leadership must back a culture of wellness
Rural EMS has been hit hard by COVID. Here are some tips for identifying funding for recruitment and wellness programs
An important benefit to coaching is the individualized approach to leadership based on the strengths and weaknesses of the subordinate
Understand how first responders can participate in the funding
How many tragedies in public safety are assigned a proximate cause, when the real problem lying in wait is a grossly fatigued employee?
You cannot make the right decision if you are addressing the wrong issue
A personal resilience plan for public safety professionals
Very little in a university setting follows a strict top-down approach
One simple way to improve your quality of life now is to take stock of all the blessings you’ve been bestowed, despite everything else
Like any relationship, a mentorship – whether you’re the mentor or mentee – takes time to develop