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Check out this incredible footage from video laryngoscopes that captured burned and swollen airways during intubation
Firefighter-paramedics rapidly implement new ideas to curb infection
Guide EMS students to airway management skills mastery by adapting your manikin for suction-assisted laryngoscopic airway decontamination
Jackson County Fire Rescue expects to place the new equipment in all of its front-line ambulances this summer
A Vanderbilt University Medical Center study compared intubation attempts in over 1,400 patients in hospitals across the nation
Successful airway management is the culmination of preparation, practice and technique mastery
A study has shown that a change in the type of breathing tube paramedics use to resuscitate patients with sudden cardiac arrest can improve the odds of survival
Ensure your EMS providers understand when to use video laryngoscopes and airway anatomy, and practice their intubation skills
One medical director is challenging the current pediatric intubation paradigm, exploring direct and video laryngoscopy
Video laryngoscopy may improve overall and first-pass success rates for ET intubation by paramedics
From the 1500s until today, techniques for placing a tube into the trachea have continuously evolved and will continue to improve in the future
Our co-hosts discuss devices such as video laryngoscopy, capnography and ultrasound in the field
Win the airway with prehospital video laryngoscopy for first attempt intubation
Salt Lake City Fire Department investigation finds no difference in the interruption to compressions between video and direct laryngoscopy