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Ebola: What does EMS need to know?

So how exactly did this outbreak happen? Should we in the U.S. be concerned? And what information does EMS need to know?

Grady EMS’s special operations team had been ready for this type of transport for years; here’s how it all came together
The Superior Ambulance team practices transporting patients with highly infectious diseases
“There’s no question that a better and earlier response from WHO could have resulted in thousands and thousands of fewer deaths than we saw”
Guidance on minimum PPE for known or suspected Ebola patients updated on December 2, 2014
The firmer standards call for full-body garb and rules for removal, a supervisor for the putting on and taking off of equipment, a separate room, and repeated practice before treating an Ebola patient
Officials instructed all personnel to use more vague terms when discussing the deadly disease
Dr. Alex Garza on safely managing the virus, the transport role EMS will play, the chances of a vaccine, and if the world has the resources to fight this disease
The newly diagnosed women is in isolation after contracting the disease while treating Thomas Eric Duncan last month
The agency says it will send a team of experts to any hospital with an Ebola case in the future
Nina Pham, 26, received a plasma transfusion from a doctor who beat the virus
The CDC will investigate how the unidentified nurse took off protective gear after caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first U.S. Ebola patient who died from the virus
Five major international airports will begin screening passengers from three West Africa countries when they enter the U.S.
Thomas Eric Duncan was the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S.; his condition went from serious to critical over the weekend and he died Wednesday morning
We may assume we’re well prepared to contain a possible outbreak, but it’s definitely worth the few minutes to review the basics of infection control
She was part of a team that treated two missionaries flown home to Spain after becoming infected with Ebola in West Africa
Although the risk to the U.S. is small, EMS providers should be educated on how to identify symptoms and treat Ebola patients