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By listener request, our hosts discuss the new law restricting ketamine use in Colorado and the Chicago sexual harassment settlement
This episode of The Ultimate Leadership Podcast shares insights into why people bully and how to confront bullies
End these 8 behaviors to create a culture where bullying is replaced by kindness, dignity and respect
Study hopes to identify some of the issues facing women in EMS such as harassment, discrimination and bullying
Nicole Mittendorff’s sister and husband break their silence on her death and online bullying
The female firefighter claims that she was reprimanded and reassigned to another station when she told her superiors about the harassment
Fairfax Underground curator Carey Weidemann said he thought Chief Bowers’ statements were a “deflection of blame”
Our co-hosts discuss the hot topics in this week’s news
Our co-hosts talk about the tragedy and disgrace of bullying after the death of firefighter-paramedic Nicole Mittendorff
Take responsibility for building and improving a department culture through good words and deeds, not disparaging ones
Chief Richard Bowers said his focus at the moment is on Nicole Mittendorff’s grieving family and colleagues, but that he has zero-tolerance for bullying
The suicide of Nicole Mittendorff causes us to ask the question: What is the impact of bullying on emergency responder mental health and suicide?
Chief Richard Bowers said he is looking into the matter and that his department will not tolerate bullying of any kind