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‘My job was to try as best I could to explain what was going on and put it in perspective’
World Health Organization leaders take point on combatting misinformation and fear-mongering associated with the coronavirus
Do the right thing because it is right, but also do the right thing because your job, supported by the currency of public trust, depends on it
Unified command and collaborative response by all responders in community is the key to successful active shooter and MCI response
We are regularly reminded that the communities we serve know little about EMS costs, challenges and services provided
These 10 ingredients will help every EMS agency succeed in the year ahead
Despite their vital role, the fire and EMS services are being left out of the national conversation about terrorism response; that needs to change
EMS actions at an active shooter incident are likely improving as mass shootings become familiar, regular and routine
Sharing your grant success will further your standing in the community and boost your chances of more funding
Seize every media request to your EMS agency as an opportunity to build relationships, trust, and goodwill
A Detroit woman protesting for a $15 per hour minimum wage was asked to compare her work to the lifesaving duties of paramedics
Constant updates from a PIO reduces speculation and uncertainty, which is especially important for the friends and family of those directly involved
EMS needs to improve how we communicate our successes to local media and policy makers with consistent and valid performance measures
Prepare your agency for when it becomes the story or a major part the story
The suspected gunman, described as a disgruntled former employee, is hospitalized with life-threatening injuries
Be calm, rational and don’t get baited into a confrontation which will make you the villain of a viral video
Media outlets have evolved into a 24/7 activity
Trade shows bring together industry reporters from across the nation, and a few simple tricks can help get your company or product noticed
Eleven tips to engage with the media and get the word out about your EMS organization
That reminds me … bridging tough questions can soften criticism