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First Responder Wellness Week

Every day, around the clock, our nation’s first responders give it their all. The job is uniquely rewarding. It’s also uniquely challenging, with physical, mental and emotional impacts.

First Responder Wellness Week is dedicated to providing resources, support and community to help public safety personnel better understand the mental and physical health risks that come with the job.

Join Lexipol, EMS1 and our partners from March 25-March 29, 2024, to focus on your health and promote the wellness of your personnel. Each day we’ll focus on a different theme, providing videos, webinars, articles, podcasts, shareable resources and more.

5 tips to inspire and influence others, stop making assumptions, removes biases and build better relationships
Don’t run when things get tough; follow these 3 tips instead
Could intermittent fasting be the wellness key you’ve been searching for?
Putting your body through heat-related stressors can help you adapt to the stress of working in EMS
Are you ready to take the plunge? Learn how ice bath therapy can benefit EMS providers in their everyday lives as well as on duty
When developing a peer support program, public safety agencies must consider the program from all angles and answer key questions
The role of the chaplaincy in emergency services
First Responder Wellness Week was designed to provide resources, support and community to help public safety personnel better understand the mental and physical health risks that come with the job
Guests Ed Racht and Rhonda Kelly talk wellness in this LIVE episode of Inside EMS
With evidence-based strategies, you can reduce your stress and avoid burnout
The Dallas Cowboys quarterback reminds first responders that “taking care of yourself mentally and physically is critical to serving, protecting and uplifting our communities”
To track your nutrition, you need to see what, when and how much you actually eat
Take our survey to measure how your department stacks up when it comes to supporting employees
Keeping a journal isn’t for everyone, but you can redefine what journaling means to you
What you think might be good for you could have hidden surprises
A quick scroll through these influencers’ pages will inspire you to get off the station couch and hit the gym – or at least consider it!
The Lexipol co-founder details the impetus for creating this health-focused event for all first responders
Many first responders avoid connection, but connecing with and confiding in someone who cares about us is proven to reduce stress
It’s critical to carve out time for yourself; otherwise, your life will become all about work
Dr. Rachelle Zemlok defines mindfulness and offers simple steps to practice it every day
Know when everyday stressors become something bigger; something that requires professional help
Understanding optimal water intake, plus simple steps for achieving daily hydration goals
When free of shift schedules, try these tips to get to sleep faster and achieve quality sleep
Simple steps to help optimize sleep quality even when you can’t get the recommended number of hours
Stretching can help overcome some of the common muscle tightness that occurs naturally over time
Not getting adequate rest can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health
Mindfulness techniques and takeaways from an eye movement desensitization and reprocessing training course
How supplements and smart shopping can start incremental change
How does your resilience measure up?
The origins of EMS Gives Life and the Code Green Campaign, and the FBHA Suicide Register
A holistic approach to physical, psychological and emotional wellness