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Real-world, practical methods for identification, assessment and field treatment of life-threatening sepsis
Warning signs and a checklist for evaluating patients after a lift assist
In this episode of Inside EMS, our co-hosts discuss an article by Jonathan Lee about prehospital vasopressors and their increasing use in EMS
Take our 5-minute quiz to find out how your assessment skills measure up
North Richland Hills Fire Department and Medical City North Hills created the Code Sepsis program to assess and treat sepsis with antibiotics en route to the hospital
EMS can be a major player in clinical medicine, operational delivery and healthcare changes, decreasing morbidity and mortality
The Sepsis Alliance lays out the basics of sepsis, including number of deaths each year and symptoms
EMS providers who can look beyond ketamine’s perception as a street or veterinary drug will find it is uniquely positioned to treat sepsis
Use simulation education to teach EMS providers to recognize and treat sepsis
Every additional hour it takes to give antibiotics and perform other key steps increases the odds of death by 4 percent
EMS educators can improve sepsis patient outcomes by ensuring EMTs and paramedics have knowledge appropriate and impactful training
Dr. Paul Marik administered intravenous vitamin C, mixed with a low dose of corticosteroids and thiamine
Use this information and the SEPSIS mnemonic to improve EMS recognition, assessment and treatment of pediatric sepsis
Lactate may be used to identify a common killer in the prehospital environment
Paramedics and EMTs are being trained to recognize sepsis early
Recognize the signs and symptoms of pneumonia and understand how capnography can be used to guide treatment for pneumonia and sepsis.
Because sepsis is a common patient presentation, it is important for EMTs and paramedics to learn and review its signs and symptoms
You were asked to assess and treat a 44-year-old woman who has been feeling weak and lethargic; did you make the right call?
You are dispatched to a bank for a woman who is weak and lethargic.
Here’s how EMS recognition and initiation of interventions can lower sepsis mortality
New research found that paramedics can use a simple breath measurement to identify potential cases of sepsis
Understand the origins of sepsis criteria and what the new sepsis definitions mean for EMS assessment and treatment of septic patients
Critical care paramedicine is application of science and artistry to care for the profoundly ill patient
Temperature, lactate and ETCO2 monitoring may provide field personnel with objective evidence to make a more accurate field diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome
The video aims to entertain and promote early sepsis recognition and management