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In EMS there isn’t anything more frustrating than a screaming, punching or spitting person with acute alcohol intoxication
Keep the following tips in mind when you encounter a patient who has had too much to drink
When the conditions are ripe, the distinction between intoxication and a diabetic emergency can easily be blurred
Identifying significant GI problems and providing initial care may help improve the chances of recovery for patients who experience true GI emergencies
You respond for a call for a 34-year-old that woke up with abdominal pain; did you get the diagnosis right?
Consider the potential diabetic diseases processes when assessing and managing any patient with altered mental status
Try these six tips to take some of the pressure off of getting a blood pressure
The balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system keeps our automated body functions working properly
To lead and inspire an EMS team, motivation must first come from within
It may not be poor brain integrity that is causing a lack of response to a sternum rub, but an inadequate length of time the sternum rub is applied
Follow these steps to facilitate a successful outcome for dealing with emergencies involving kids
The EMS radio report communicates vital information to help the hospital prepare for the patient’s arrival
Find out if you are on the road to a successful EMS career or on a short trip to burnout
A busy roadway is hands-down the most dangerous environment where we routinely work
The Independence Day holiday can increase the number of intoxicated patients and bystanders you’re likely to encounter on your shift so be careful out there
Learn how to separate atrial activity from ventricular activity when interpreting a rhythm strip and the atrial flutter waves will stand out
Understand why blood pressure and heart rate may not be a good early indicator of a hypovolemic shock state
To make an effective splint, focus on the craft rather than focusing on the device
Understand the importance of monitoring end-tidal carbon dioxide and the valuable information it provides for patient assessment and treatment
As a medic you are a caregiver and a human body mechanic, not a parts replacer; educate yourself like one
TEMS medics need to be in top physical condition to respond with and care for SWAT officers
Use these tips to pick the stethoscope best for you and to use it correctly on every patient
How to use the lost art of auscultatory percussion to evaluate suspected long bone fractures
Regularly reviewing and practicing MCI skills will make sure EMS personnel are ready to act when a major incident happens
Keeping patients moving toward definitive treatment through accurate triage of life threats is the key to EMS success at a mass casualty incident
Here’s an overview of what naloxone is and how responders are helping curb the opioid epidemic
This symbol shows that we belong to something important and we are part of the power, strength and knowledge of every EMT
Stories about patients stealing ambulances are common, so here’s how you can protect your vehicle
How to learn and understand the medications paramedics administer