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Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath: While panic attacks and anxiety attacks share common symptoms, they also have distinct differences
Reframe your thinking to get patients with atypical neurologic emergency symptoms immediate care
The key to differentiating abdominal pain is to utilize as many assessment tools as possible
Clinicians should be aware of how ventricular-assist devices work and what distress signs to look for in patients
Critical insights into the implications of recent court rulings on EMS practice and patient care
Our cohosts tackle system design, enhancing education standards and personal accountability
Solid EMS providers can often de-escalate an aggravated patient, but the very best providers can keep the patient from ever becoming agitated
A candid discussion reveals the art of thorough patient assessments, the value of differential diagnosis, and the need for feedback in EMS
Paramedics evaluated, transported three people to hospitals for additional testing as firefighters evacuated judges’ chambers
Learn common triggers, assessment findings, and the different phases and classifications of seizures
While the CPR intervention may prove beneficial, more evidence is needed before it can become a standard of care
The PCR is all that stands between you and trouble when you find yourself on the witness stand
Avoiding anchoring bias in EMS by balancing speed with safety
A red-flag approach to identifying true emergencies and treating patients with compassion
Revamped triage criteria streamline decision making and relieve the burden on hospital systems
Approach the patient with an intentional primary and secondary survey to avoid letting painful and gruesome wounds distract from life-threatening injuries
Nine interactive scenarios designed to enhance your understanding of seizures, strokes and common acute patient presentations
EMTs, paramedics and firefighters have a responsibility to identify fall hazards and share prevention tips with patients and at the public events we host
Karen Owens shares insider tips for training to treat pediatric athletic injuries, some of which may surprise you
Another tool in the diagnostician’s briefcase
Dr. Joelle Donofrio-Odmann discusses diseases of the upper and lower airways
An initial visual assessment can identify threats to you and your patient before you narrow down a differential diagnosis
Michigan EMS leaders share the challenges in locating, extricating and transporting victims of snowmobile crashes
This webinar covers stroke assessment, recognition and timely decision-making as to where to transport a patient for intervention
Finding the balance between being prepared for anything and being quick, light and back pain-free
Our cohosts, shocked by the bodycam footage in the case of the Ill. EMTs charged with murder, discuss how apathy can develop and how leaders can prevent it
Teaching points from the ‘malpractice or murder’ case: Action steps for EMS practitioners
Learn how innovations are being made in treating respiratory emergencies
Effective clues to great communication and patient history taking