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Calif. crowd dances, blocks rig from transporting shooting victims

A shooting at a Juneteenth event left 1 dead and 5 injured, but first responders were blocked by partiers as they attempted to transport the patients

By Rachel Engel

OAKLAND, Calif. — An ambulance was blocked from transporting shooting victims from the scene of a celebration gathering after partygoers blocked the rig, including one woman who was dancing on top of the ambulance.

After a shooting at a Juneteenth event that police believe to be gang-related, an ambulance crew attempted to transport the victims, but were blocked by people dancing against and on top of the rig, Fox News reported.

“We had several people shot and injured, we had people who continued to dance on and around ambulances, preventing the ambulances from leaving the area to get people to hospitals so that they can be treated,” Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong said in an interview with local reporters.

Some bystanders did help move the crowd out of the way of the responding ambulance.

“We also had some people that stood up, that actually helped out and helped open up traffic,” he said. “We thank them for their efforts.”

Police believe the shooting was part of a gang feud in San Francisco, and an investigation of the incident is underway.