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EMS attorneys Steve Wirth and Scott Moore discuss looming vaccine mandates
More PPE training is unlikely to address PPE fatigue; here are 7 strategies that will
A look at fever pathophysiology, causes and common treatments
The interactive map includes data from a survey of more than 1 million Facebook users
Fire-Dex says the AAMI Level 3-compliant garments exceed CDC guidelines for COVID-19 response
The service says the ultraviolet C lights can be activated remotely and sanitize an ambulance in about two minutes
FDNY EMS Chief Lillian Bonsignore says “any and all options” are on the table to prevent a lag in response times due to the spread of COVID-19 among members
EMS grand rounds presentation focuses on proper PPE, endotracheal intubation and infection control
Learn how COVID-19 has impacted fire/EMS and how public safety has adjusted its response
Interactive maps, infection projections and your own PCR data illustrate how serious the COVID-19 pandemic is in your response area
The White House issued guidance for the next 15 days to mitigate the spread of COVID-19
Ambulance services asked to maintain normal operations during COVID-19 pandemic but are given exceptions to staffing, equipment and drug requirements
In this episode, our co-hosts discuss the best practices for keeping providers safe and equipment clean as the 2019 coronavirus spreads across the country
The fire department is currently tracking the status of 46 who may have been exposed
Florida Department of Health officials say the 70-year-old Broward County man attended last week’s conference in Tampa
Officials say the Alameda firefighter is being quarantined outside the county and all fire stations will remain open
The World Health Organization announced that COVID-19 will now be classified as a pandemic
Cancel station tours, visits, and non-essential training and travel
Coronavirus spread in an already busy flu season calls staffing contingency plans and a commitment to hygiene and PPE
The New England Journal of Medicine rapidly published a peer-reviewed report on the first case of COVID-19 in the U.S.
The union says EMS providers were not told their sub-station was being used as a coronavirus testing site
The move angered EMS union leaders who say EMTs and paramedics in the city continue to be deprioritized
Experts fear the outbreak could trigger a drop in the nation’s blood supply
An emergency declaration by President Donald Trump would allow disaster relief funds to be used to assist state and local responses
A total of 27 firefighters are now under quarantine after possible coronavirus exposure at a care facility
World Health Organization leaders take point on combatting misinformation and fear-mongering associated with the coronavirus
Public safety leaders need to discuss risk-benefit of a quarantine and continuity of operations in light of decision to quarantine personnel potentially exposed to coronavirus
More than 50 people in a nursing facility in the state have been reported feeling sick and are being tested for the virus
The Wisconsin EMTs received rabies vaccines in 2018 after treating a woman who was foaming at the mouth and later died
The San Antonio case marks the 15th confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States
Snohomish County, Washington, officials describe the EMS transport of the first confirmed 2019-nCoV patient in the U.S.
While the novel coronavirus presents like influenza or other respiratory illnesses, there are 3 additional steps EMS should take to manage suspected cases
In this episode, our co-hosts discuss the hype around the Wuhan coronavirus and the responsibility of EMS providers to educate the community on public health concerns