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The red flags and steps to take to make the scene safer for yourself, other responders and the patients
“I guarantee that you can improve your BVM technique by following these four essential guidelines”
The VT Select helps providers control both rate and volume
Download the eBook to learn how the technology has advanced and why it represents the best available mode for patient care today
A simple framework for an EMT skills competency portfolio
The position statements summarize recommendations for training, quality management, pediatric considerations and more
Flail chest, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade and pulmonary contusion have unique presentations, but all jeopardize vital functions
In this episode, our co-hosts discuss how to use the SALAD method in advanced airway management scenarios, dishing their top tips
Reviewing the pediatric evidence for stay and play or load and go
5 ways to protect the patient during mechanical ventilation
Without real-time feedback to confirm ventilation rate and volume, a piece of the map is missing
Airway management guru Kelly Grayson on when and how to escalate to a more invasive and secure airway, and when to elevate care
Examining recommendations for EMS treatment of adult and pediatric cardiac arrest related to epinephrine, compression depth and rate, and double sequential defibrillation
Common respiration pathologies and those that impair ventilation
3 EMS physicians highlight the challenges that prevent a consensus on endotracheal intubation across EMS systems and the importance of case review
Download this EMS1 capnography equipment buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Application of an EtCO2 sampling device and waveform monitoring, especially during bag-valve mask ventilation, is well within the capability of EMTs
Pre-oxygenate, evaluate for LEMONS and position a patient of any size correctly to help secure an airway
Delayed sequence intubation and lung protective ventilation have replaced rapid sequence intubation in modern airway management
Download this EMS1 airway management devices buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Sunstar Paramedics Safety and Risk Coordinator Joshua Hoover was awarded the Commissioner Moroni Award of Excellence in EMS for his quick actions
Dr. Dan Spaite shares how to avoid the potential pitfalls in positive-pressure ventilation, hyperventilation and over-ventilation
Assign someone to monitor the patient’s airway visually and with capnography using these five tips
A national database examining five metrics in evidence-based care gives EMS a framework to improve tactics, efficiency, outcomes and resource allocation
Understand the importance of realistic training on specific devices and using capnography to assess for effective ventilation through supraglottic airways
Test your knowledge on the challenges of assessing and treating children with capnography
The “set-up, size-up, scope, secure” mindset of the 1st and TEN approach to intubation may help improve first-pass success
From the 1500s until today, techniques for placing a tube into the trachea have continuously evolved and will continue to improve in the future