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Trauma Assessment

I started fishing in my handlebar bag for my Garmin InReach as I rolled up on a younger man attempting inadequate CPR on an older man”
Examining the research on physician- vs. paramedic-led teams
Revamped triage criteria streamline decision making and relieve the burden on hospital systems
The Browns’ Myles Garrett and a female passenger were treated for injuries and transported to a hospital
A helicopter landed on the school’s football field to transport a student after a possible fall
“Initial stabilization and good pre-hospital care can make all the difference in these situations,” said Dr. Florian Schmitzberger
Off-duty medical professionals and good Samaritans helped the woman, then EMS providers treated her for chest trauma and transported her
Review the criteria and consider making the switch
Drs. Dorsett, Jarvis and Escajeda join the Pediatric EMS Podcast crossover episode to discuss pain management
The key is to remember that kids get sick differently than adults and that physical findings may be more subtle
How to best manage our high-stress, time-compressed working conditions to control fight-or-flight response
MCHD medical directors discuss whole blood alternatives and implementation considerations
Focusing on swift triage, being good at the basics and having a plan for exfiltrating the wounded are essential steps to immediate lifesaving measures
EMS training in bleeding control must incorporate mass casualty incident plans and drills as well as the need to prioritize patient triage by injury severity, transport priority and the type of treatment – layperson or medical professional – that is required.
Learn what’s changed in the 2021 ACS FTG and how to implement the trauma triage guidelines
The National Guideline for the Field Triage of Injured Patients was updated to help providers make more accurate judgments about the level of care an injured patient may need
Follow these steps to define roles, identify and mitigate hazards, and work toward the best possible patient outcome
Pediatric patients are not tiny adults; refresh your knowledge of pediatric blunt trauma and take a quiz to check your knowledge
What EMS needs to know about treating suicide attempts
How young patients’ unique anatomy and physiology impact trauma assessment and management
Jamie M. Doyle, 56, was able to speak with officers and paramedics with a small screwdriver lodged in his upper chest
Learn what to look for and how to advocate for elderly patients who may be much sicker than they appear
TBI risk factors, managing patient refusals and oxygenation tips for treating head injuries
“When you have a patient that has been traumatically injured ... they need blood products,” said Erin Reese, program director with Mercy Flight Central
Kelly Grayson and Rob Lawrence on the trimodal distribution of death and the advances in trauma treatment
Police confirm a person of interest is in custody, and the investigation is ongoing
Drs. Antevy, Piehl and Spiro on trauma intubation, simple thoracostomy training and evidence-based medicine
Remembering shock pioneer, R Adams Cowley, 30-years after his death
Drs. Antevy, Piehl and Spiro evaluate EMS video of a patient receiving whole blood and a finger thoracostomy
The UCSF physician team discusses how to give avulsed teeth the best chance at reimplantation
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission identified more than 190,000 ED visits due to micromobility products in the past four years
Each EMT-certified trooper will now carry advanced equipment for trauma, airway management and other medical emergencies
At least seven people were injured, including four firefighters, after a natural gas explosion at an apartment complex