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Photo of the Week: Ind. paramedicine program gains funding for Knox Boxes

The Crawfordsville Fire Department uses the secure key vaults to access seniors’ homes with minimal damage during emergencies


Photo/Crawfordsville Fire Department

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By EMS1 Staff

CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. — The Crawfordsville Fire Department’s nationally-recognized Mobile Integrated Health Community Paramedicine Program recently received funding from the Montgomery County Council on Aging to purchase four Knox Boxes.

A Knox Box is a secure key vault that mounts over the door of a residential property and inside is a key to the resident’s home. The only keys available to open the Knox Box are in possession of the fire department. When there is an emergency, the fire department can access the key safe and use the resident’s key to enter the home safely with minimal barriers, no damage to windows or doors, and reduced potential for injury.

The paramedicine program has implemented numerous MIH-CP programs in chronic disease management, high-risk maternal and infant healthcare, and a Quick Response Team that works with frequent fallers, substance use, and behavioral health patients to protect citizens cradle to grave. The program has provided senior citizens with Knox Boxes and smoke detectors.


From left: Lyndsey Sparrow (social worker), Maddy Kiger (resident), Division Chief Brian Bechtel.

Photo/Crawfordsville Fire Department


Knox Boxes are only accessable to firefighters.

Photo/Crawfordsville Fire Department