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GoodSAM app live streams, alerts EMS providers

The app allows health care providers to see a patient on scene and coordinate their response accordingly

GoodSAM is an app that allows secure live video streaming from emergency scenes to registered health care providers.

The app uses GPS technology to alert EMS providers, doctors and nurses near the emergency.

GoodSAM allows EMS providers to see a patient on scene, assess the severity of their injuries remotely, and coordinate a response accordingly.

The video function, currently only available on iOS software, uses end-to-end encryption between users on all servers to ensure private and secure real-time communications. The app also shows to users where the nearest defibrillators are.

The London Ambulance Service recently became the first ambulance service to integrate the app into its dispatch system. Users can call 999 directly from the app by clicking the emergency button, and the app will also alert first responders within 200 yards.

Users can download the app for free as “alerters” or “responders”.

Watch this TED Talk from app co-founder Ali Rezaei Haddad or visit GoodSAM’s website to learn more.