DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — A man identifying himself as a lifeguard called 911 Monday evening instead of administering CPR on a 14-year-old boy who had just been pulled, unconscious and not breathing, from underwater at a DeKalb County swimming pool.
And the 911 operator told the caller that another person she took to be another lifeguard had already called 911 and was getting CPR instructions over the phone.
The boy began breathing again, thanks to a bystander, not a lifeguard. And the boy’s mother now believes children swimming at that DeKalb County pool are at high risk of injury or death because some lifeguards may not know how to deal with emergencies, much less how to use CPR to save lives.
Read full story: Lifeguard calls DeKalb Co. 911 for help instead of reviving boy on his own