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Ariz. bystanders help man engulfed in flames

A restaurant manager sprayed the man with a fire extinguisher; he suffered critical burns and police are investigating how and why he was on fire

The Associated Press

PHOENIX — Bystanders rushed to help a man found engulfed in flames outside some restaurants in Phoenix.

The unidentified man was hospitalized in critical condition with burns over much of his body, and police are investigating how or why he was on fire Thursday evening.

Police Sgt. Trent Crump says bystanders heard the man screaming. Some ran into a nearby Arby’s restaurant for help, and manager Lindsay Riedlinger grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed the man.

Riedlinger says he had a blank look his face and appeared to be in shock. She says he then got up and went into a nearby Taco Bell to get some water.

She followed the still-smoldering man into the restaurant until police and paramedics arrived.