Trending Topics


Products designed to make your job easier that you won’t regret purchasing or upgrading
If you are a provider with an IFAK, or a tactical medic, you will want to upgrade to these shears
The top tenets of violent threat attack training and practice for EMS responders
Tactical exposure and active shooter training is important for all EMS providers, working in tangent with law enforcement
Keeping patients moving toward definitive treatment through accurate triage of life threats is the key to EMS success at a mass casualty incident
The new Tactical Emergency Medical Support Team will receive protective gear and emergency response training allowing them to respond to large scale emergencies
Among the possible motives, according to the FBI: workplace violence or terrorism
Tragedies like West Nickel Mines school shooting have led to new EMS and police response tactics for active shooter incidents
Proactive strategy to deliver care at point of injury by being on scene and training with law enforcement
When you’re on an operation and you can only take what you can carry, what do you choose?
Tactical medicine medics should be able to treat the team’s full range of injury, from dehydration to musculoskeletal injuries, like sprained ankles