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Paramedics make ‘Power of Love’ lip sync video for colleague with cancer

B.C. Emergency Health Services paramedics showed support for their colleague, Sharon Unger, by doing something to “make her laugh”

FRASER LAKE, British Columbia — A group of paramedics cheered up their colleague as she battles cancer with a lip sync video. reported that B.C. Emergency Health Services Station 763 paramedics showed their support for paramedic Sharon Unger, who recently had to stop working to battle cancer, with a lip sync video to “Power of Love.”

“We wanted to do something that also made her laugh,” paramedic Kenneth Cao said. “The ‘Power of Love’ just fit with the tone of the video.”

The paramedics spent two months making the video, and Cao used his days off to edit the footage.

Unger’s family reached out to her colleagues after the video was put out and said the video left Unger “speechless.”

“Her cousin actually sent me a message saying he was there when she watched it and Sharon was filled with tears, speechless and filled with gratitude,” Cao said. “For us being paramedics, we actually have each others’ backs on scene and this was the same thing; whether we’re on scene, on a call or not, we’re just having her back.”

The video has been viewed over 38,000 times on Facebook. Click here to watch it.