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What STEMI patients need paramedics to know

Our co-hosts sit down with Rob Theriault, a 35-year paramedic veteran, and a recent STEMI patient, who gives listeners both sides of the emergency


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This episode of Inside EMS is sponsored by Pulsara. Learn more about how you can build a regional system of care for free by clicking here.

In this episode, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson are joined by paramedic and educator Rob Theriault. Rob was the co-host of the EMS Educast for four years and recently retired from the ambulance service after a 35-year career.

In November 2018, Rob experienced a STEMI that came out of the blue. He shares that experience with our listeners and takes us through the angioplasty. Rob also outlines what a paramedic needs to know from a patient perspective, and what a patient needs to know from a paramedic perspective.

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The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs