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Optimizing readiness for system sustainability

Organizations stuck using yesterday’s demand analysis deployment strategies are getting left behind


On Tuesday, May 17, at 1 p.m. CT, Brandt VX’s Joshua Brandt, PSAP Administrator Joseph Elliott and Alameda County EMS’s Carolina Snypes will present “ODS: Optimizing readiness for system sustainability.”

Photo/Wikimedia Commons

Transport units are stuck at the ED while first responders are stuck on scene … response times are creeping up and the only idea anyone has is to increase unit hours. But how? Recruiting is bad and retention is worse. You’re already offering incentive pay but crews are burnt out.

Organizations that are stuck using yesterday’s “demand analysis” (counting calls per hour) are getting left behind … but it doesn’t have to be like this.

Join us for a demonstration of future readiness modeling using optimal deployment science (ODS).

On Tuesday, May 17, at 1 p.m. CT, Brandt VX’s Joshua Brandt, PSAP Administrator Joseph Elliott and Alameda County EMS’s Carolina Snypes will present “ODS: Optimizing readiness for system sustainability.”

Participants will leave with an understanding of:

  • How to predict future resource utilization
  • When resource availability drives performance (…and when it doesn’t!)
  • Sustainable schedules, proven by NASA
  • The roll that revenue plays in readiness modeling, and
  • The big lie behind EMS finance

Register today for: ODS: Optimizing readiness for system sustainability

Presented by Fitch & Associates, this Pinnacle Webinar is sponsored by Brandt VX.

The Pinnacle Webinar Series is produced in cooperation with Pinnacle Media Partner EMS1. Ninth Brain is Fitch & Associates’ Learning Partner.

About the speakers

Joshua Brandt

Founder of Brandt VX, Josh is an EMS data expert with more than a decade of professional EMS experience. A United States Air Force veteran and instrument-rated pilot, he has brought data tools and ideas from aviation to prehospital agencies. He currently serves as president of Brandt VX, holds an MBA with Healthcare Emphasis from the University of Texas at San Antonio, is a certified Project Management Professional, and a nationally registered EMT. He previously served as Deployment Manager for East Texas Medical Center EMS, where he managed the deployment of over 70 ambulances, providing coverage to over 17,000 square miles of east Texas, both rural and urban.

Joseph Elliott

Joseph Elliott began his public safety career as 911 dispatcher for his local police department. Since then, he has served in every role of PSAP and EMS management in both rural and urban environments, and currently serves as the PSAP Administrator for the City of San Antonio with an annual call volume of 1.5 million. He is a certified Emergency Telecommunicator, EMD, and Project Manager. He has a BA in history and will soon complete a MBA in Healthcare Administration.

Carolina Snypes

Carolina Snypes is an accomplished EMS Leader with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Carolina previously served as the Director & Chief for Falck Northern California at their Alameda County, CA operation and held nearly every administrative position along the way. She currently works for the Alameda County EMS Agency while pursuing her MPA at UC Berkeley. She holds a BS in Public Health Education. Additionally, she is serving in an interim capacity on the Board of Directors for the National EMS Management Association.

For more than three decades, the Fitch & Associates team of consultants has provided customized solutions to the complex challenges faced by public safety organizations of all types and sizes. From system design and competitive procurements to technology upgrades and comprehensive consulting services, Fitch & Associates helps communities ensure their emergency services are both effective and sustainable. For ideas to help your agency improve performance in the face of rising costs, call 888-431-2600 or visit