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EMS Humor

The EMS humor topic covers EMS jokes, funny stories and humorous videos that all go to show the lighter and fun side of being an EMS provider.

“Always say exactly what’s on your mind to patients” and other bad advice for rookie providers
Every song on our list falls within the recommended 100 to 120 bpm range to perform CPR
“At the rate inflation is going, I’m going to have my financial planner invest in Top Ramen stock”
Bonner County EMS posted a Facebook video of a crew taking “advantage of the return of winter” to honor the Olympics with an event of their own
Ice scraper curling, driveway bobsledding or apparatus skating? What’s your EMS event?
With 50 years of emergency calls made nationwide, there are bound to be some callers who don’t quite know how to use the system
Chris Olson’s neighbors thought the dummy he hung from his gutter was actually him falling off the roof
TyLon Pittman, 5, took action to prevent the Grinch from stealing his Christmas
The caller said the person was sitting on a bench perfectly still and covered in snow, according to West Midlands Ambulance Service
Here’s a roundup of gift ideas to help your newest colleague feel prepared and, in some cases, entertained
These videos give you a chance to look back on 2017 and remember what everyone was watching
The green-and-yellow bird was in good health and no humans were involved
The Northmor football team helped an ambulance that was stuck after arriving to transport a player
You haven’t been in EMS long enough if you don’t yell “Clear right!” when you’re driving off-duty
Responders rushed to what they thought was a horrific scene and found a fake body decoration stuffed with paper
Little white lies, lying by omission and honesty as the best policy – the things we say as EMS providers
The revamped ambulance will travel across Colorado with the “most innovative fandemic tools and response team”
Take the quiz and find out which character you are most like
When Shiran Finder was alerted that someone collapsed nearby, she left the salon to help with tin foil and dye packets still in her hair
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
Public safety personnel and citizens joined together to show the special relationship that exists with the between responders and the citizens they serve
As we reflect on the past 10 years, here’s a look at the videos that resonated the most with readers
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
The crowd cheers as he does a handstand and the worm
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
Crews took a break from traditional CPR training in this hilarious video
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of EMS
A comic for EMS drawing off the real experiences of having or being an EMS supervisor