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Female firefighters, EMTs release calendar to benefit teen with cancer

Proceeds from the project will fund a Ga. teen battling a rare form of cancer


The featured models are all involved with local fire departments and EMS agencies.

Photo/Southern Female Firefighters

By EMS1 Staff

SAVANNAH, Ga. — A female firefighter calendar will be released later this month to raise funds for a local teenage girl battling cancer.

The calendar features female firefighters and EMTs. Francesca Everett is one of the featured models in the upcoming calendar by the “Southern Female Firefighters.”

“There have been car washes, fundraisers here and there, but there hasn’t been in this area, a very specific firefighter calendar,” Everett told WJCL.

When Kyley Cornwell, 16, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, her family couldn’t afford to pay for her expensive treatment on their own.

That’s when the Southern Female Firefighters decided to raise funds for one of the members of their community.

“This stands for something bigger. The fact that we are able to go out and help somebody locally, that may not be able to do things on their own,” Everett said.

Even though some of the women don’t know Kyley, they were sympathetic to her story.

“Just because as a parent, the worst thing you can hear is that your child has cancer,” said Everett. “A lot of the females in the calendar are mothers. So I think for them it could be a real possibility that one day something like this could happen to me.”

You can follow the Southern Female Firefighters on their Facebook page and receive more information about the group on their website.